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1939340This year, you might have a lot of resolutions, from getting healthier to being more intentional with your time to broadening your social circle to picking an old hobby back up. Whatever your goals in the coming months, we have a few fun ideas that might get you thinking about all the possibilities that lie ahead:

  1. Set a reading challenge. Whether it’s joining a book club, taking a class at a local college, or working on your own with a list of must-read books, there are a lot of ways to consciously bring more lit into your life. Not only is reading a great way to enjoy your time, it can also turn into a memory exercise if you memorize passages from your favorites or review the book later with friends.
  2. Get involved in a local skillshare. Coworking spaces are popping up all over the country as places for freelancers or other independent workers who don’t report to an office to do their work. These organizations often host regular workshops in everything from computer coding and basic business skills to photography. They’re often open to suggestions for new topics if you’re interested in teaching a class, or you can simply get on the mailing list to find out what new and interesting topics might tickle your fancy as an attendee. Check out Society of Work for one place to start!
  3. Take up knitting, crocheting, or other fiber arts. You get to make beautiful, soft creations, keep your fingers nimble. and best of all delight friends and family with the finished work. If your loved ones are loaded up on scarves, hats, and fingerless gloves, you can inquire if the local homeless services or domestic violence shelters accept donations of hand-made items. Your crafts could be a huge comfort to someone in need. If you want to get started but have never learned, a friend could teach you, or you could take a class at Genuine Purl!
  4. SeniorCorps in another great opportunity for seniors who want to give back to their community. It’s set up much like Americorps, but pairs participants with opportunities in their area that appeal to a variety of interests and skill sets, from helping out at the community kitchen to mentoring kids, teens, and even other seniors!
  5. Give drawing a try. There are so many media to choose from, including pastels, conte crayons, colored pencils, pens, markers, and india ink. You can start with a still-life setup in your own apartment or a common area and invite others to join in for an art party! If you want to really refine your technique there are a variety of resources, from colleges and universities to community centers and even art galleries and supply shops like Art Creations or Townsend Atelier.