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Independence Day Parade

July 1st at 3:30 pm

Join us in the Front Lobby starting at 3:30 pm on July 1st, dressed in your most patriotic attire! During the parade, we will make our way around the building showing off our decorations and singing patriotic tunes for staff and residents to enjoy! The parade will take place on the first floor and will start in the front lobby, we can’t wait to see your smiling faces!

Casino Games

July 7th at 2:30 pm

In honor of Lucky 7 Day, we will be playing Casino Games in the Discovery Center! We will play traditional Casino card games as well as other fun games. Come try your luck and see what you win!

Christmas in July Party

July 15th at 2:30 pm

We will be having a fun-filled afternoon celebrating Christmas in July! Join us for holiday music, games, and your favorite seasonal Christmas cookies and snacks in the Discovery Center!

Rosewood Market

July 28th at 3:15 pm

Over the last month, residents have been winning Rosewood Rubies for participation in activities. On July 28th, we will have our first ever Rosewood Market in the Discovery Center! The market will have a variety of items ranging from fresh produce to basic hygiene items and other fun items! Keep participating in activities, in order to keep earning Rosewood Rubies!

Armchair Travels and Around the World Social

July 29th at 1:30 pm

Some of our residents have always loved to travel, so beginning this month we will be learning and virtually traveling to a different country every month. After learning all about the country, we will have snacks and play traditional games!

Exercise Class with Tammy

Every Monday and Thursday at 10:00 am

Twice a week, Tammy from the Weston Group will be leading an exercise class that will help our residents maintain balance and strengthen their bodies! Residents already love this exercise class and are working hard to make sure they keep their bodies moving!

Tai Chi with Chris

1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:45 

Twice a month we have the wonderful Chris Campbell lead an amazing Tai Chi Class in the Discovery Center! This class teaches residents about the benefits of Tai Chi for health and balance. We would love to have a big group join us for this wonderful class!