This month’s resident spotlight is Lou Phillips. She has been at Rosewood for almost one year and is a regular activities attendee. Lou was born in Oklahoma where she lived for many years. She has one sibling, two children, and several grandchildren. She and her husband were married for 50+ years and Lou said, “They had a great life together.” Lou enjoyed hand-making women’s clothing. She was taught how to in a home economics class but loved it so much that she took it further. Lou added, “It was nice to see women enjoy looking nice and appreciating something I made.” She also enjoys reading a good mystery novel and of course, being with friends. One of the things she most enjoys about being at Rosewood is meeting new people.
When asked about what she most enjoys about being at Rosewood she shared, “I am grateful to have a safe place to live with no worries. I am really glad that I am here.” Lou can always be seen around the Rosewood community with her wonderfully decorated walker and sweet smiling face. She is always willing to lend a helping hand, while also having a great attitude. She has a caring heart and also has great respect for others. Lou wanted to thank all of the staff for how caring and kind they are to her.