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What We’ve Been Up To

What We’ve Been Up To

January was a joyful time in our community. The residents were proud to ring in the New Year with a toast led by our Executive Director. We prayed that the year 2021 would bring many blessings to our residents, families, and our community. In January we continued with...
What We’ve Been up To

What We’ve Been up To

December was a blast! We celebrated the season surrounded by beautiful Christmas trees and cheerful decor. It was truly a winter wonderland. The residents enjoyed walking the halls of our community to see the lights and trees and listened to peaceful Christmas music...
When Seniors Should Stop Driving

When Seniors Should Stop Driving

Providing the Best Senior Care for Your Loved Ones Autonomy is a precious thing, and it’s also a hard thing to let go of. But as we age, there are things we have to begin to approach differently. One harsh reality of aging is loss of mobility, and specifically the...